Saturday, 26 September 2015

my choice

after doing my research into my brief into music videos i think that it is able for me to achieve something on the level of music videos i have looked at i believe that its able however i think i would be more suited to doing a film trailer as i have more interest in that and would be better for me giveen the resources i have and think i think its completely in my capabilities. now the only thing i have to decide on is what type on movie trailer and genre i want to achieve whether it be a horror, comedy, animation or romance as some of the examples that harry presented in his research.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

my research into music videos

as part of my work i have researched music videos and what they mean and the different techniques that are used when creating and producing the final product we did this to find out what brief overall we would focus on and if we could do it as a group or individually.

below is a link to my slide share presentation:

below is also the links to Harry and Allan's slides share that show the research that they carried out which they also presented to the us as part of one of our meetings.



Tuesday, 22 September 2015

here are the three briefs that we decided on researching on are own.

below are three briefs we decided research individually in depth as we believe these to be doable and achievable given the resources me have as well as they are briefs we found most interesting and that we most liked out of the given choices.

Me  ( Brief 1 )

Sunday, 20 September 2015

OCR media brief

below is the OCR brief specification which we harry and allan looked through i narrow down are choices to 3 briefs that we knew would be achievable and doable with the resources that we have as we are only a small media class.